New Obama and Devil dream -3rd

Sunday, June 2, 2013 0 comments
ok so on 6/1/13 I had another Obama dream...I've had other dreams, I'll have to post them also..been a procrastinator i guess.. anyways here's the obama one from the notes i wrote down when i woke up :

I was standing with the devil, no one can see us, like behind a veil or something. We are watching Obama, he's at a podium giving a speech, I can't hear him though.
The devil says something like "I don't want him for president, but I'll use him later" He never took his eyes off obama, he was controlling him, when the devil raised his arm, so did obama, that's all I remember.

I remember thinking to myself in the dream you say you'll use him later but you are controlling him now..

The devil was standing, very tall, long legs, was naked, saw no private parts, long arms, lean, grayish color, wasn't smooth though, had texture, very defined bone structure of the face, horns sort of laid back with his head, no hair, voice was smooth, low, charming.

Okay so that's what was written down in my dream notebook. The devil did not look like an alien, just want to go ahead and get that out of the way now...
I feel God was trying to show me once again that obama is the anti christ that the devil controls him. I feel God let the devil speak to me because the lord knows i won't believe the devils lies, that i'll see past them, I think God let him so that i could see for myself the devil can be very deceiving that he lies. Makes me think of when in the bible it says go by their fruits not what they say.

anyways that's my latest obama dream.
Please comment and give me your thoughts. no one ever comments... :( I get lots of views, but no comments...I'd like to know others insight on this.

God bless


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