American Muslims Want Limits on Free Speech?!?!?

Thursday, September 27, 2012 0 comments
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“We understand the First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights and, as such, prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, etc., but when the allowance of “free” speech incites violence it should be banned,” read a statement from the Islamic Society.

Ok so because someone felt offended and starting acting violent we are supposed to have LIMITS on our rights as Americans?

I do not agree with this at all. If some Jackwagon wants to be rude and have no sense of dignity and use his free speech to make a messed up film, then you know what that's his choice, it may not be right but it is his choice and if 1 person or a group of people don't like it or are offended by it, then ya know what DONT WATCH IT! Don't look for it. 

Those people getting violent and causeing all those horrible deaths ( and trust me I know about them, I'm the co-leader of the Living legends team at Soldiers' Angels and deal with the deaths of our Fallen heroes on a daily basis) is not the "film maker's" fault.

The way I see things is life is all about the choices you make. These people could have chose to act horribly which they did or they could have chose to ignore a stupid movie or made a equally offensive one about us, i mean they have all kinds of choices they could have made! It is their fault and their fault alone because they made the choice to act the way they did. The film maker didn't put a gun to their head and tell them to do it. 

Free speech is our right and no one should be able to take that from us, especially not over a silly you tube video, Where would it all end if we let them start taking from us now?



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